Mobile Apps


Hope from the Psalms

Take the verses along and let them serve you as a light snack. Enjoy your meal!

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Hope from the Proverbs

1000 years before Christ, King Salomon put these words in writing. And today, 3000 years later, they have not lost one single bit of their significance.

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Hope from the Lord's Prayer

This app teaches you the prayer of prayers as Jesus said. "Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven…"

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Hope from God’s Word (Old Testament)

Our God lives; and he is a speaking God. His word is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword! The verses reflect his direct speaking in the Old Testament.

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Hope from God’s Word (New Testament)

Our God lives; and he is a speaking God. His word is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword! The verses reflect his direct speaking in the New Testament.

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©2024 The Rueggs